Friday, January 19, 2007

The Seeds Of 9/11

I RESIDED AT THE MODEL BASE CONVERSION ON FORT ORD, CALIFORNIA, from 1995 to 1999 and attended California State University – Monterey Bay, but notice the presence of flight students––part of the coordinated effort by Osama bin Laden, to send students to the United States to attend civil aviation schools––is absent THE 9/11 REPORT: THE COMPLETE INVESTIGATION. THE SEEDS OF 9/11 substantiates the presence of flight students from the United Arab Emirates. Not only does the president of CSU Monterey Bay confirm the stays, i.e.: “The venture will eventually succeed and a new group of students will return during the summer of 1997”––Residential Life recruits college students who stay on campus during the summer months of 1996 and 1997, via the school’s electronic Open Forum, to accommodate the visits.

Writing about the flight students, President Peter P. Smith, notes: “Members of the campus community questioned their presence as a viable, educational endeavor.” In addition to flight training, the flight students learn United States tower protocols and airport security measures, and have access to computer labs 24-07. By September 1996, Peter P. Smith assures the White House, “a new group of students will return during the summer of 1997.” After 9/11, a known Al Qaeda tactic was stage an operation, wait four years to carry it to fruition. July 1997 to September 2001: approximately four years. According to Smith’s own account, by 9/11 the approximate ages of the first group of 15-19 year old students: 19-24.

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the US: The 9/11 Commission and US Representative Lee H. Hamilton receive a full account. However––THE 9/11 REPORT omits all mention of flight students at Fort Ord. As a result, it was a beautiful October day in the Nation’s Capitol. Sandy Berger looked at his watch. In five minutes the National Archives & Records Administration would open its doors. Bill Clinton’s national security advisor would be the first through them. NARA’s mission: ensure for the citizen and the public servant, for the President and the Congress and the Courts, ready access to essential evidence that documents the rights of the American citizen, and the actions of Federal officials. On that Thursday morning though, Sandy Berger’s mission: “inadvertently” steal and destroy top-secret terrorism documents.

Bill Clinton had appointed former Governor John W. Carlin (D-Kansas), Archivist of the United States, and, was quick to posit a Legally Correct response to Sandy’s Berger’s back bag job. Whether Middle Eastern males learn to fly at say, the University of Wayne Newton or even that of Judy Tenuta––it would be news. And yet, there’s nary a word about flight students who train while wards of the Clinton College. Bill Clinton fired sitting FBI Director William S. Sessions, and installed Judge Louis Freeh, director. And Freeh moved the FBI away from its investigative, law enforcement role, to one that reflected the Clinton’s Politically Correct agenda. Stones throw from the ex-Army barracks, which domiciled flight students: Silas B. Hayes Federal Building.

According to the INTERNATIONAL SPY MUSEUM HANDBOOK OF PRACTICAL SPYING, a Black Bag Job is the unauthorized entry into a home or office to steal or copy materials. Were such an enterprise afoot, would Bill Clinton himself appear on a syndicated talk show to air his complicity? Yet, the 42nd President of the United States did just that. The Clintons had set out to “restructure” Western civilization, and as a result of said remodeling, Bill Clinton’s TV appearances have been noticeably infrequent, his demeanor markedly different. A Voyage Of Discovery documents the origins of the “skunk works” on Fort Ord. The events of 9/11 did not happen in a vacuum. Although until the facts come to light, the architects of 9/11 will live large, and aspire to the highest office.


“EDUCATIONAL ARCHITECTS TAKING THEIR CUE FROM BILL CLINTON ENVISIONED CSU MONTEREY BAY as a model base conversion, and called it the 21st CSU Campus for the 21st Century,” announced The Sacramento Bee. The Sac Bee goes on to report: “The campus would be loaded with the latest in high-technology teaching tools and set an unconventional approach to academia.” The Bee, however, fails to elaborate on Bill Clinton’s approach to academia, or the identities of his architects. In 1996, The Bee’s follow-up caption reads: “Canceled Classes, Piles of Dirt Among Challenges at Ex-Base.” The Bee also neglects to mention why, after students register for courses, pay tuition and sign leases––the 21st CSU campus president cancels the classes.

White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, and Peter P. Smith, a Vermont politician had inveigled academic sanction from The California State University, for the Clinton curriculum. In a bait-and-switch––the architects diverge from the usual, desirable, and proper course work, into courses that feel unusual, undesirable, and wrong. The Bee omits altogether how Piles of Dirt become a mountain range of lead laden earth and sand from a Super Fund site, which overshadows student housing like a toxic Mount Vesuvius. Sacramento, California, The Bee’s target readership is also located two-hundred miles from the Monterey Peninsula––target enrollment of the 21st Century CSU––and both blurbs were buried to blunt possible political criticism, while students at the ex-base are treated like mushrooms: kept in the dark.

The future of empires depends on the education of youth. -Aristotle, 384-322 BC.

I TAKE UP MY PEN AND GO BACK TO THE TIME when I attended California State University – Monterey Bay. With a year-round temperature fluctuation of 20 degrees, Wednesday, 23 August 1995, dawned temperate on the Monterey Bay––just as it had in 1542, when explorer Juan Cabrillo sailed past it, in 1846 when Commodore John Drake Sloat raised the American flag over it; in the 1950s, when the sardine industry collapsed around it––and much as it had for 5000 years. That August morning however, CSU Monterey Bay’s 565 students would attend classes on Fort Ord. The pre-Registration Seminar had been held Saturday, 12 August, at the Pomeroy Center on Sixth Avenue, “to provide students with information to select a major.” At the seminar, faculty from CSUMB’s twelve majors vied for 404 students. Of the 565 pioneers the 161 freshmen were absent the get-together. Without lower division course work, freshmen were ineligible to choose their main field of study.

As early as 1991, Congressman Leon Panetta (D-CA 17th District: Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Benito Counties) envisioned a university at Fort Ord. When Clinton Defense Secretary Leslie “Les” Aspen, slated Fort Ord for closure and handed it off to the US Department of Education, the dream became a reality. Without privy to the White House, or the California State House, the school’s underpinnings would remain shrouded in mystery. In far away Washington, DC, President Bill Clinton, determined that Fort Ord would become a model base conversion: “The 21st California State University campus for the 21st Century.” The USDE handed Fort Ord off to the California Postsecondary Education Commission, CPEC. CPEC in turn handed Fort Ord off to CSU Chancellor Barry Munoz. After the catastrophic failure of Hillary-Care, Hillary Clinton sought to rehabilitate herself politically. Bill Clinton proclaimed himself America’s education president––and, under the guise of a San Jose State University, Salinas, extension campus; Barry Munoz handed the epicenter of multiculturalism and venue for personal prerequisite over to the Clintons, the Panettas, and the Smiths––California State University – Monterey Bay.

The White House launched the Presidential Search Committee, and tapped former Vermont Lieutenant Governor, congressman, state senator, (then) George Washington University, Dean of the School of Human Education and Development Peter Plympton Smith. President Smith’s second order of business: hold out CSU Monterey Bay to the public and prospective students alike, as a comprehensive California State University. Peter P. Smith never lets on though that neither he, nor Leon Panetta have any intention of graduating the innocent, the eager and the doomed; but accept students, tuitions, fees, and rents for services which do not––will not exist. Simply put, Leon Panetta launched a recruitment program with full knowledge that––the system to help juniors, or those with 4/5 of their General Education course work completed, finish requirements, and graduate within two years––did not exist.

In 1993, Bill Clinton appointed Congressman Panetta, director of the Office of Management and Budget. In 1994, Clinton appointed Director Panetta, White House chief of staff. By 1995, the chief was beating the bushes at the level of press, radio, and TV to drum up students. Panetta faced competition for freshmen and sophomore admissions from the area’s established Junior Colleges: Cabrillo College, Hartnell College, and Monterey Pacific College. University of California – Santa Cruz applicants dismissed California State University – Monterey Bay, as “Taco Tech,” and “Artichoke U.” But Panetta rounded up 565 students: 404 transfers with lower division course work––whose numbers he vetted at the “pre-Registration Seminar”––and, the 161 freshmen. CSU Monterey Bay’s ostensible mission, as alluded to in the title of Leon Panetta’s obscure congressional report: Restore America’s Future, Prepare the Nation for the 21st Century. “One of the new arrivals,” writes Panetta, “would come from Vermont by way of Washington, DC, and George Washington University. Peter Smith, the founding President of CSUMB, embodied the real-time experience of an educational pioneer, the political saavy [sic] of a former Congressman and the passionate belief that learning ought to be at the center of a university.”

Even though the founding faculty argued for admission at only one or two levels, the politicos admitted 565 students at all four levels. The faculty had not expected to teach for a full year and a half after their arrival. The faculty could handle freshmen admissions at best. The pre-Registration Seminar had been a deliberate ruse. To coincide with their graduation date, President Smith told the 404 upper level students that full accreditation would also take place by 1997. Peter P. Smith held out this inducement with no reasonable basis for believing it to be true either; and it was, in fact false. Students were ignorant of the falsity of Smith’s representations, and believed them to be true. In law this is a deliberate crime. Peter P. Smith, writes: “With rare exception the organizational growing pains of CSUMB did little to dampen the spirit, tenacity, and enthusiasm of those readying the ‘experiment’ for students.” As if taken aback by the recklessness of his own disregard––Smith, with the easy conviviality of the mountebank, also chalks off enrolling students: “Our single worst decision.”

On Monday, 04 September 1995, classes recessed when Bill Clinton dedicated the 21st CSU campus. In the college catalog Peter P. Smith, notes: “number of community members who attended the Dedication Ceremony with President Clinton Labor Day, 1995: 23,000.” As the community members arrived by automobile, the right lane of Highway No.1 South backed up at the main gate for several miles. The “community members” had to have been from out-of-town––because none continued to Casa Verde Street, flip-flopped onto No.1 North to Fort Ord––but all waited in traffic instead. Security was tight. The quadrangle, an open space of gray windswept earth, partly enclosed by Fort Ord’s main buildings had been cordoned off with metal detectors at the entrance points. The standing room only crowd now awaited the 42nd President of the United States. The wait was punctuated by glimpses of the African Americans present that day: snipers as they scurried about the rooftops. At about 12:00 noon, President Clinton addressed the large number of people under the Monterey sun. The 23, 000 community members had taken on a decidedly pink hue.

It was Labor Day; Bill Clinton promised to raise the minimum wage. Clinton talked at length about the public sector and the private sector, but touted the nonprofit sector as a “political gold mine.” The CSU: nonprofit. That is, non-taxpaying. Clinton characterized Panetta: “Pushing like a demon for UCMUB.” Actually, although the UC and the CSU are separate systems, the Governor and Legislature recognize the transfer as a “central institutional priority,” and call for students who have obtained eligibility as either a freshman or a transfer student, a guaranteed place within either UC or CSU. CSUMB’s christeners, to date, remain anonymous. Chancellor Munoz himself pushed for the University of Fort Ord, with its wieldier acronym, UFO. In those halcyon days, Leon Panetta had all but announced his candidacy for Governor of the State of California. Gray Davis would succeed Pete Wilson as governor––but before Davis’s recall, which Panetta decried, he also added his own name to the list of hopefuls. Words like multiculturalism and diversity had yet to mar the lexicon, but most agreed the Central Coast needed a CSU. With raised thumb and protruding lip, Bill Clinton dubbed Leon Panetta: patron saint. Pioneers would receive a 21st Century education. Behind the man behind the podium, White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, current 17th District Congressman (D) Sam Farr, State Assemblyman (D) Fred Keely, and the Clinton’s own Peter P. Smith all exchange toothy grins.

Before Bill Clinton concluded the dedication, Peter P. Smith says he not only knew who would graduate from CSUMB; he knew when they would graduate. However, Smith’s predictions were based not on scholastic merit or even ESP––but something far more reliable, the Clinton’s Politically Correct agenda: gender and ethnicity. Given Smith’s predilection for prognostication, it is reasonable to believe that he also knew who would fail to graduate. And indeed Smith did know that except for his handpicked PC students, graduation by Spring 1997 was total fabrication. A pipe dream. As Chief Executor of the 21st CSU’s Foundation Fund, into which tuition, fees, and rents accrue––Peter P. Smith did willfully and deliberately deceive and defrauded students, and for his own aggrandizement. Smith’s deliberate deception, dishonesty and double-dealing, duped and defrauded students, their families, and college loan providers––including the federal government. His ill-gotten gains: tax-free. In the annals of fraud, CSUMB can be likened only to a publicly funded ENRON, with Dee Dee Myers on the Board of Directors.

When Bill Clinton appointed Margaret J. “Dee Dee” Myers White House press secretary, Dee Dee lived in Leon Panetta’s 17th District beach town of Aptos, California. Despite the fourteen-year age discrepancy, Dee Dee was billed as an “old school chum” of Hillary’s. Myers and Panetta’s age difference: twenty-three years. Although, both Leon and Dee Dee did attend Santa Clara University. Shortly before CSUMB’s dedication, young Dee Dee was arrested for drunk driving in Washington, DC, while driving the wrong way on a one-way street. Before his subsequent recall for corruption, Governor Gray Davis appointed Dee Dee, The California State University’s 23rd Trustee. Dee Dee and the twenty-two other illustrious trustees approve honorary degrees, and the 03 annual raises for The CSU’s faculty and the twenty-three presidents. Bill Clinton had appointed Leon Panetta White House chief of staff––the Presidential Search Committee drafted GWU dean, Peter P. Smith, president of the “21st CSU Campus for the 21st Century”––and before the 1996 presidential election, the “education president” wanted undergraduate students, and flight students.

With a green light from Capitol Hill, the “new innovative university” opened its doors. That August, Hillary Clinton would arrive in China to make her debut on the world stage, blissfully unaware (according to her) of Monica Lewinsky’s arrival at the White House. That year, Bill Clinton would also formalize the invasion plan for Iraq. And although the “inappropriate relationship” between President and Intern that began November 1995 would lead to Monica’s subpoena in the Paula Jones case (prior misdeeds at the Excelsior Hotel), Bill’s own coming out amid the cola spills and pizza rinds, in Leon Panetta’s office, atop the chief of staff’s desk––wouldn’t go public until January 1997. Currently: “The Office of President Clinton, based in New York City, offers students with a passionate interest in crucial issues of today the opportunity to contribute to the work, vision, and goals of President Clinton. Internships are offered throughout the year in the following areas: communications, correspondence, domestic policy, foreign policy, operations, and scheduling and advance. Applicants must be undergraduate juniors or seniors, recent college graduates, or graduate/professional students.”

Let us get a firm grip on [what] we do know, so that when fresh facts arise we may be ready to fit them into their places. –Sherlock Holmes, The Devil’s Foot

FORT ORD TAKES ITS NAME for General Edward Otho Cresap Ord, whose military career spanned 1839 to 1881. Gen. E. O. C. Ord also acquired for $40.00 the marble topped table, present when Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee met with Gen. U. S. Grant at Appomattox Court House. The small wooden table, not to be confused with the marble-top table, went to Gen. Sheridan for $20.00, who gave it to “boy wonder” Gen. George Armstrong Custer. Today, that table rests in the National Museum of American History, Washington, DC. Whereas the marble topped table resides in the Chicago Historical Society’s Civil War Room. Controversy over which table sat Grant, and which sat Lee continues––but it is certain one of the signatures to the surrender terms was signed on Gen. Ord’s table. No word yet as to the disposition of the desk upon which Clinton gave it up to Lewinsky. Leon Panetta however, has offices and archives his congressional record on Fort Ord, received $1,400.00 per day as an educational consultant, $350,000.00 from incoming CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed, for startup costs and salaries for the Leon Panetta Institute for Public Policy––plus $50,000.00 more in “materials” from former Vermont gubernatorial hopeful, Peter P. Smith. According to the Otter Realm, CSUMB’s fledgling newspaper (sea otter: school mascot), the Panetta Institute sought a permanent endowment of $10 million-dollars. Panetta to Otter Realm: “It is important for people to feel the reward of service.”

It’s an occasion when the president dedicates a college, but for most in attendance Bill Clinton was audible only via loudspeaker. Most believed Fort Ord was decommissioned due to the end of the Cold War. Again, without inside information little could be known of CSU Monterey Bay’s political pedigree. As Bill Clinton boarded Air Force One, bound for Washington, DC, and the Oval Office––the florid multitude was left to wend its way north. Elvis had left the building. Besides his own already pervasive political apparatus, Leon Panetta would now have a cadre of FOBs (Friends Of Bill) on board. Unbeknownst to students; the Clinton White House would be ever-present on Fort Ord. In 2004, Peter P. Smith published: The QUIET CRISES How Higher Education Is Failing America, in which Smith, a clear victim of his own delusions, touts the Clinton “experiment” as the solution. Smith begins his magnum opus: “I work at California State University (CSU), the largest university in America. It serves a state so economically large and diverse that were California an independent nation, its gross national product would be the fifth largest in the world. The university itself educates more students in a year than attended all American colleges and universities in 1900––now more than 400,000 full- and part-time students every year.”

Advance praise for The QUIET CRISES: “The Quiet Crisis presents an urgent plea for reform in America’s higher education systems from an experienced educator who understands what learning is about and its importance to our democracy.” -Leon E. Panetta, Director, The Panetta Institute for Public Policy. And, “By writing in such a refreshingly personal and passionate way about the connection between teaching and the survival of the American dream, Peter has given the national discussion about the reform of teaching a shot of moral urgency.” -Russell Edgerton, Director, The Pew Forum on Undergraduate Learning. After nine years as CSU Monterey Bay’s founding president, Peter P. Smith concludes: “higher education is failing America.” The Quiet Crisis portrays Smith as a cog in the wheel of the largest edifice of higher education, with so vast an enrollment as to astonish a nonagenarian, all in the world’s fifth most affluent region. California does view itself as an independent nation. However––President Smith, a Clinton appointee with a nonexistent academic program, also presided over arguably the smallest university in the world, located in an impoverished area, on a Super Fund site. Smith had even taken to telling Vermonters, he was the chancellor of a college out west. And by May 1997, after burning through tens-of-millions of taxpayer dollars, millions more in lucrative grants and higher rents, and pocketing the rest––Smith awarded actual Bachelor’s of Arts Degrees to six minority students, and one Caucasian valedictorian to lend credence to the farewell address.

In a cameo interview, Leon Panetta, says: “It was clear from the time that I served the president as director of the Office of Management and Budget, which was before I became chief of staff, that he had a great interest in making sure his legacy would benefit the American people and be one that would last in history.” Before leaving office the “education president” raised the ceiling on student loans, and effected monumental increases in Federal–funding for schools with a 28 percent Hispanic enrollment. CSUMB: Hispanic, 28 percent. In May 1997, amid the festive atmosphere of a hastily erected carnival tent––in the parking lot of the freshly stocked Oppression Studies Library; a few paces from the quad on which the 42nd President had promised the pioneers a 21st Century education––CSUMB held its first commencement. Both ex-congressmen may have held the passionate belief that something ought to be at the center of a university; but it wasn’t learning. University of Virginia President John T. Casteen materialized to deliver the keynote speech, entitled America’s Oldest University Addresses America’s Newest University––while Peter P. Smith cozened the downsized 152-member graduation class, into “walking through” at the media staged event, and receiving an empty diploma folder and fleshy handshake from St. Panetta.

Leon Panetta began his political career with the Republican National Committee, but switched to the Democratic National Committee, because he felt the DNC had a “larger tent.” Panetta would give the seniors who stayed the course short shrift––but recounted the White House incident, in which a small plane had crash-landed on the East Lawn during the predawn hours. Leon Panetta asked his startled staff (presumably by telephone), “Has anybody done anything yet?” Without alluding to the specific protocol for such an event, Panetta pounded the podium. His message to the diverse assemblage under the rent-a-tent: “Get it done.” In March 2005, a rain soaked Leon Panetta, then co-chair of the Governor’s Base Support and Retention Council, emerged from the confines of the Panetta Institute on Fox TV News, to take credit for the Fort Ord closure. Although CSUMB lacked both a Master’s and a Doctoral program, before leaving the big-top to confer upon himself an honorary PhD, at the separate-but-equal La Raza graduation ceremony, the eloquent Panetta shouted to the crowd: “Bill Clinton has so few problems as president––because his chief of staff is Sicilian!”


THE UNIVERSITY OF BILL CLINTON: Home of the Al Qaeda Air Force
Experience has shown that a vast, perhaps the larger, portion of truth
arises from the seemingly irrelevant. –Marie Roget

AS THE SURF ROARED ALONG THE MONTEREY COAST AND UP THE CLIFFS Peter P. Smith made log entries for his secretary, Brenda First, to transcribe into an electronic document entitled, Awakenings and Beginnings: Introduction, with which to carry out his first order of business: keep the White House advised. In Chapter I, Smith begins his first paragraph:

Standing at the flagpole up the hill from the grass-covered center of the main campus, a visitor sees an array of colorful, landscaped buildings and the steady flow of people moving from class to class, meeting to meeting, or to a host of other activities that constitute a typical day at California State University Monterey Bay. This is but one of many simple scenes that represent a six-year conversion and transformation process that began in 1991 when the citizens of the Monterey Peninsula and the California State University faced both the challenge and the opportunity of converting a military base into a comprehensive public institution of higher education. This is a story of risk, courage, commitment and change. The cast of characters represents a community privileged by the unique opportunity to transform higher education for the 21st century. Pioneers all, each has made a contribution and each continues to make history.

At the close of CSU Monterey Bay’s first academic year, when Peter P. Smith penned Chapter I, due to the infancy of the electronic medium, the chief recipients of such missives were universities, the military; and of course, government agencies. Awakenings and Beginnings was headed straight for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Smith’s second paragraph speaks volumes:

During the early summer there was a reorganization of Residential and Dining Services that afforded the Director of Housing the opportunity to take a one-year staff development leave. Housing facilities and operations became a separate unit as did residential learning. Preparations and planning for year two were well under way as the summer unfolded. The Fort Ord Alumni Association, a group of former Fort Ord military personnel, is established by the Office for Institutional Advancement and becomes the largest alumni association in the world. The University provided housing and dining services for its first group of foreign students from the United Arab Emirates. They paid for the rehabilitation of the housing facilities they inhabited and used a nearby airport during a six-week flight training course. Members of the campus community questioned their presence as a viable, educational endeavor. Cultures clashed when the group of 15-19 year old males encountered the female students employed at the dining commons. The venture will eventually succeed and a new group of students will return during the summer of 1997 [emphasis mine].

Peter P. Smith says, “members of the campus community” questioned the presence of flight students as a viable, educational endeavor. Smith knew the dust-up in the cafeteria increased the likelihood that his detractors, disgruntled Hispanic faculty members––who felt housing Middle Eastern students ran contrary to CSU Monterey Bay’s “unique” Vision Statement––would seize the opportunity to create turmoil on campus. Despite the fact that Arabian students were politically incorrect; that teenage Arab airline pilots do not in fact exist; Smith would advise the White House on the success of the “venture,” and as important––alert the Clintons to any possible opposition. As for plausible denial, Smith believed his server was secure. And, in the middle of The 9/11 Commission investigation, after receiving Smith’s memos from an independent source, Sandy Berger realized that evidence of the visits also existed as handwritten notation on three separate pages of a classified after-action report––which he stole forthwith from the National Archives, and shredded with a pair of scissors.

Smith sets the stage with colorful, landscaped buildings and “the steady flow of people” on the newly landscaped quad. People, moving from class to class, or “other activities.” And even though Peter P. Smith’s bucolic account spans 1991 to 1996, the Clintons, the Panettas, and even wife Sally who gave Fort Ord a heinous Day-Glow makeover; the privileged community that transform education for the 21st Century, the history-making pioneers; all remain obscure citizens of unknown origin––nameless people, on a typical day, at a generic college. The Fort Ord Alumni Association, the largest alumni association in the world: anonymous military personnel. Smith also reports this seemingly murky incident, “During the early summer there was a reorganization that afforded the [unnamed] Director of Housing the opportunity to take a one-year staff development leave,” but this stark admission: “The University provided housing and dining services for its first group of foreign students from the United Arab Emirates. They paid for the rehabilitation of the housing facilities they inhabited and used a nearby airport during a six-week flight training course,” ought to dispel any illusions about Smith, that “cast of characters” in Congress, the Calif. State House, and the White House.

In addition to the $1-billion-dollar parcel on Fort Ord, and several tracts of military housing purchased from the Department of Defense for $1-dollar, CSU Monterey Bay received a $25 million-dollar startup allocation. Leon Panetta asked Congress for an additional $100 million-dollars as a “lump sum,” but had to settle for $10 million-dollars per year for ten years instead. After his experience with an Arkansas Air Force base, Bill Clinton says he vowed to fully fund the California conversion. Peter P. Smith, reports: “Another round of federally allocated EDA [Economic Development Administration] funds for the renovation and build-out of campus facilities was anticipated. Before it was in hand, the $14 million would be held hostage to the discrimination complaints of local minority contractors. By Fall 1996, the issues would be mediated and the funds would be released.” Panetta and Smith “silenced” the Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA), used the Base Realignment And Closure Commission (BRAC), beat out the University of California (UC), and dashed all hope of a San Jose State extension campus; but with San Jose State performing the accounting function, when Al Qaeda paid for the rehabilitation of housing facilities––Smith lacked legitimate provision to accept the cash.

In the absence of the military, the Central Coast climate incubated flea and vermin populations to epidemic proportions. Profuse accumulations of waste and decay from the small stealthy rodents and leaping blood-sucking insects, had sun-baked into every nook and cranny of the ex-Army dwellings. Although the initial 1,253 units––already bought and paid for by the taxpayer, would provide the left-of-center landlords with a very generous income in perpetuity––years later, the mere act of opening a kitchen cabinet or drawer was enough to reinvigorate the sickly sweet aroma. Also unbeknownst to students, the units had been doused with powerful pesticides to quell the unwanted inhabitants. The plague’s survivors were legion though, and continued to ankle bite and nibble into foodstuffs. The housing was isolated; rank weeds smothered the very doorsteps. Vacant sashes and peeling paint greeted students. I half expected to see a blue light flit past a window. Inside, the Pacific’s on-shore-flow howled under the doorjambs, carrying with it lead particulate. Fort Ord sits on the fringe of Western civilization, and the Clintons had determined to remake that. Besides mice, fleas, hawks, owls, deer, skinks, some actual skunks––plus the 20th Century’s largest accumulation of unexploded ordnance and poison oak, student housing was utterly desolate.

The campus would be loaded with the latest in high-technology teaching tools, but not for long. While Peter P. Smith wandered the forlorn cluster of adobe style buildings that passed for main campus, glad-handing in typical congressional fashion––it was time for a heist. The latest in teaching tools had arrived, and during a daring daylight robbery with all the earmarks of an inside job, disappeared just as quickly. Smith cheerfully shelled out the $100,000.00 dollar deductible. The campus police investigated, but neither hijackers, nor computers have yet to surface. CIGNA dropped CSUMB like a hot turd. Without witnesses or documents, there was little to suggest the computers ever existed. Augmenting the 21st CSU campus’s pervasive potpourri of poisonous wastes, inveiglements, infestations, excrement and larceny, would be its marinated, sautéed and cooked books. And, situated upwind loomed the Nation’s third-largest Super Fund dumpsite––a 500 acre, century-long accumulation of Army refuge. Another incidental 21st Century architects, Doctors Panetta and Smith had declined to mention.

World domination. The same old dream. Our asylums are full of people
who think they’re Napoleon. Or God. -James Bond, Dr. No

I REMEMBER HIM AS IF IT WERE YESTERDAY, WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON: code-named “Elvis” by the Secret Service. “Elvis’s” next public appearance on the Central Coast wouldn’t be until a 1996 Pebble Beach golf outing––and again for a 2003 speaking engagement at the Leon Panetta Lecture Series, sponsored by the Panetta Institute. Paid for by CSUMB. Enter, Warren Minor Christopher. In 1992, Warren Christopher headed the vice presidential search for Governor Bill Clinton. During Clinton’s first term, Christopher served as Secretary of State. Warren Christopher had also served as Director and Vice Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. At Georgetown University, Bill Clinton’s professor, Dr. Carroll Quigley, stated in his highly regarded course, Development of Civilization: “The Council on Foreign Relations (established 29 July 1921, in New York), is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.” Warren Christopher had even been a former Chair of the California Postsecondary Education Commission, CPEC; that state agency to which Fort Ord was ceded by the USDE. Without Christopher, the “King” himself couldn’t wrest a CSU from the California Legislature.

(Ah, Mr. Chancellor, I need this here CSU to obliterate national boundaries and establish one-world rule. Besides, these here Al Qaeda guys needs a place while they learns to fly. Thank you. Thank you very much.) Al Qaeda, a phrase in Arabic meaning “The Base,” was a loose organization that supported the Taliban. Taliban: “students” or student clerics. Al Qaeda founded an international group of young men who were Islamists or radical fundamentalists to provide an armed force, to assist the Taliban in control of Afghanistan. While members of the Al Qaeda network, the 9/11 hijackers were educated and adapted to life in the West. After the altercation, “when the group of 15-19 year old males encountered the female students employed at the dining commons,” the twenty-three muslin clad Al Qaeda (two squads, two squad leaders, and a lieutenant), who, “used a nearby airport during a six-week flight training course,” strode true Lawrence of Arabia style across the quad––where nine months earlier the 42nd President dedicated the 21st CSU for the 21st Century. Perhaps not surprisingly, Assistant Attorney General Jamie S. Gorelick issued the “wall of separation” directive to FBI Director Freeh, which segregated criminal investigators and intelligence agents, less than four months prior to Clinton’s dedication.

Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle appointed Assistant AG Jamie Gorelick a commissioner on The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the US: The 9/11 Commission. Critics claim her duties on the commission represent a conflict of interest; that she is the single greatest cause of the intelligence failure that contributed to 9/11. But the “bipartisan” commission opined that Gorelick played no significant role in damaging information sharing on terrorist activities. And, after The 9/11 Commission received word of the UAE flight students at Al Qaeda Camp Clinton––in a separate ruling Los Angeles California Superior Court Judge Audrey B. Collins, ruled that it is not illegal to aid or abet terrorists. Judge Collins, another Bill Clinton appointee, issued the blanket invalidation of existing law, and legislated that one may legally help train Al Qaeda members. That it is not unconstitutional to give “expert advice or assistance,” to groups designated international terrorist organizations. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision, tends to exonerate any and all who helped train the Al Qaeda Air Force.

As seamlessly as he arrived, the 42nd President departed. The motorcade of black SUVs sailed across 3rd Street, down Fifth Avenue and disappeared into the amber weeds of Fort Ord. “Elvis,” his taupe suit and burgundy print tie in tow. Pioneer students expected hardships, met in abandoned buildings, on discarded Department of Defense furniture. Among other things, students were exposed to asthma-inducing “controlled burns.” Due to the proximity of the Super Fund munitions sifting operation, students were subjected to hazardous amounts of ambient lead. Fort Ord’s aquifer had also been contaminated with Trichloroethylene––a chemical solvent and carcinogen, used to wash mechanized vehicles. (As an Arkansas gubernatorial candidate, Bill Clinton reissued a license for a Tyson plant, with the proviso that the company work out a plan with Green Forest city officials to treat its wastes: tons of chicken feces, that the plant dumped into nearby Dry Creek. With Bill Clinton as governor however––nothing would be done to cleanup the plant and save the river. Chicken feces runoff filtered into the town’s drinking water, sickening local residents, and forcing Governor Clinton to declare the locality a disaster area.)

Bill Clinton joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1989, attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1991, and is a current member of the Trilateral Commission. Jamie S. Gorelick is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations; as is Lee Hamilton, Sandy Berger, Madeleine Albright, Peter P. Smith, and now deceased Les Aspen. Lee Hamilton currently sits on the Baker-Hamilton Commission or the Iraq Study Group, with Leon Panetta. Hamilton is also a member of the Trilateral Commission, as is Warren Christopher and Leon Panetta––while Sandy Berger is a regular Bilderberger. No pun intended. Suffice it to say, both the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission, founded respectively in 1954 and in 1973, are powerful but enigmatic international organizations with some say, a clear-cut global agenda.

In an related matter, in 1982 when Vermont Judge Edward Cashman was appointed to the bench, Peter Plympton Smith was a state senator (Smith was succeeded by Howard Dean), and younger brother Charles Plympton Smith IV, staff director and administrative assistant to James Jeffords. Although Charles P. Smith had taken to telling “flatlanders” that he headed Vt.’s Department of Human Services, by 2006 Smith’s title was Secretary of Administration. However, Judge Cashman’s stated reason for giving molester Mark Hulett 60-days: Hulett––who had violated a girl for 4 years, beginning when she was 6––was ineligible for sex offender counseling in prison. Cashman said Hulett had a “borderline intelligence,” and couldn’t get treatment in prison. So, Human Services Secretary Smith, ordered the Department of Corrections to change its policy, to allow low-risk sex offenders to receive treatment in prison.

With the policy changed, Judge Cashman felt comfortable levying a sentence of 03 to 10 years, knowing that Mark Hulett would receive offender treatment while in prison. Or, Edward Cashman may have levied the light punishment, not because of "Restorative Justice,” but because Mark Hulett and Peter P. and Charles P. Smith are after all, cousins. Blood, simple. By 1982, the Brothers Smith had already sold Vermonters more whoppers than Burger King. When Howard Dean said: “A lot of Republicans have never earned an honest living in their lives,” he knew firsthand the BS. Dean knew the Vt. Republican point man for the Clinton higher education agenda. He knew Peter P. Smith. And, Smith was about to begin the “work of [his] life”––but there was a problem. At some point, P. P. Smith picked up a beer; and had yet to slake his thirst. Well, it beat walking naked the streets of Brattleboro, where public nudity is not illegal, with current Lieutenant Governor Brian Dubie (burp), wearing only a scarf.

By 1993, Congress enacted the Pryor Amendment, which allowed the Department of Defense to transfer surplus military property to requesting organizations, at no charge and without use restrictions. This allowed Leon Panetta to acquire Fort Ord‘s infrastructure from the DOD for $1-dollar. As it turns out, David Hampton Pryor (Pryor Amendment) was Governor of Arkansas 1975 to 1979, and US Senator (D-Arkansas) 1979 to 1997. In 2000, David H. Pryor became Director of the Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. When CSUMB’s water made the local KSBW TV News, word of the Pryor Amendment never leaked, but Panetta and Smith began their nasty habit of squirting legal disclaimer: “Landlords are only responsible for providing the water supply. They are not responsible for the quality of the water unless: 1.) The landlord owns the well or other water source that supplies water. 2.) There is a physical problem with the plumbing system that causes water contamination. The city or other public agency is responsible for assuring the healthfulness of the water supply,” spouted the politicos. But neither man seemed to know just what agency was responsible for supplying the water. It was a total mystery. Test wells to monitor for chemical seepage began to dot the landscape. Such exposure represents hazardous waste violations––including criminal violations. Currently, David H. Pryor serves as Dean of the Clinton School of Public Service, Little Rock, Arkansas.

We who are liberal and progressive know that the poor are our equals in every sense
except that of being equal to us. –Lionel Trilling, The Liberal Imagination, 1950

“ABOUT THREE O’CLOCK ON SATURDAY MORNING, SALLY AND I were awakened by a loud thump,” writes Peter P. Smith, “from the front of our house. It was pitch dark. I ran to our front door and confronted a group of young men vandalizing our house. Sally’s car tires were slashed and her car was scratched seriously in several places, ruining the paint job. There were eggs and paint balls covering the house and the cars. It will cost hundreds of dollars to repair the damage. But there is more to it than that. People in the night, attacking our house. They had been sneaking around our house in the middle of the night. There was a knife. Did they want to hurt our animals? Us? Were they trying to get into the house? Two doors were open when I came downstairs. It was frightening. I went after them, chasing a young man across the grassy area in front of our house. I couldn’t catch him before he jumped in a car and took off. I couldn’t get the number as they disappeared around the corner. So, I returned home to property damage and a huge mess.

It was a dangerous situation. Someone could have been badly hurt. This attack was anonymous, and hateful. Sally and I were attacked because of who we are and someone’s twisted opinion about what we have or have not done. As individuals and as a community we must condemn and resist this kind of dangerous and cowardly attack whether it is on someone’s reputation, their person, or their property. I have spoken with members of the Cabinet and they are united in their condemnation. I think Bert Rivas said it best when he said, this must stop. It is outrageous and we must stand together as a cabinet and a university to fight it. So, what is ‘it’ we are fighting? Since last Spring, there has been a continuing attack directed at Sally and me by a few members of this campus community. The point has been to make life so unpleasant for us that we’ll leave the university.

That will not succeed. The attacks have questioned my integrity, fairness, and professionalism as well as background. Some people have even said that the state where I was born and raised, Vermont, disqualifies me for the Presidency of CSUMB. That is nonsense and most people know it. Some of the attacks, on email and in public remarks, have been hateful, others have also been anonymous. And, whenever other people attempted to create a more civil dialogue on this or related issues, they were attacked, sometimes publicly for their opinions. I connect this climate of anonymity and hatred to the attack on our house. Hateful speech leads to hateful actions. We have only to look to the nation’s abortion clinic murders [what was he doing in there?] to know this. And hiding your identity is the staple of terror; the way the Ku Klux Klan hides behind their hoods to avoid identification. We must live by our policies and the laws of the land. I will continue to do that. To those peddling these attack messages and those who attacked our house, I have one message: stop, now.”

Peter P. Smith chased a few members of the campus community; “I couldn’t get the [license] number as they disappeared around the corner.” “This attack was anonymous and hateful,” says Smith. Smith knew he wasn’t chasing Nordic females across his front yard at 03:00 am. He knew the getaway car wasn’t a SAAB convertible, nor had any runic symbols been painted on his house. Peter P. Smith knew why a few members of the campus community vandalized his property. He knew exactly who did it. Smith was outraged: “As individuals and as a community we must condemn and resist this kind of dangerous and cowardly attack whether it is on someone’s reputation, their person, or their property.” When the attacks were on others, the traveling scholar had turned a blind eye. Now they were on his turf, making his life miserable. When Smith’s property and veracity were on the line, “it” was a call to arms.

“So, what is ‘it’ we are fighting?” Smith knew exactly what “it” was; “it” was the (National) Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan or M.E.Ch.A. M.E.Ch.A. is an organization equivalent to a brown skinhead group. Mechistas believe in racial separation. M.E.Ch.A.’s Motto: For the race everything––for the outsider nothing. In their zeal to include M.E.Ch.A. in the “big-tent” under the Secular Progressive banner, the Clintons, Panettas, and Smiths had given M.E.Ch.A. and its mentors a free hand. Carte blanche. M.E.Ch.A.’s stated goal: the overthrow of the US Government, by any means necessary. M.E.Ch.A. adheres to the aims of La Raza (The Race). At CSU Monterey Bay, M.E.Ch.A.’s specific objective: follow the concepts as laid out in EL PLAN DE SANTA BARBARA. Prime directive of EL PLAN DE SANTA BARBARA: “use anything or anyone capable of furthering the goals of La Raza.”

M.E.Ch.A.’s constitution proclaims: to continue the struggle for self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating AZTLAN. According to Aztec legend, Aztlan is a mythical place. Aztlan according to M.E.Ch.A.: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California. M.E.Ch.A. encourages anti-American activities and civil disobedience. M.E.Ch.A.’s official symbol: eagle holding a machete and a stick of dynamite. Congressmen take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, to protect it from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Had it not been for immense personal and political gain, or that both were ex-congressmen, perhaps Panetta and Smith might have upheld theirs. To teach and promote activity that advocates the overthrow of the US government, in the name of multiculturalism––would be otherwise un-American. In a full color CSUMB promotional mailer, Smith even poses on the quad with the school’s sizable M.E.Ch.A. chapter, who proudly display the green & red Aztlan flag. Viva Zapata! Front and center, Peter P. Smith smiles and waves alongside the Mechista faculty, staff and students. Tierra Y Libertad.

Peter P. Smith sums up the 2001-2002 academic year: “The campus community celebrates the reopening of the Black Box Cabaret or ‘BBC,’ hails the opening of the Campus Center, breaks ground on its first-ever new building. But early in the year, the notorious demise of an integral piece of the New York skyline reminds us all that buildings can be as precious—and as destructive—as the people they are created to embrace.” Funny, how a building can turn on you. Hillary Clinton certainly attended none of the funerals for 9/11 victims. In May 2005, M.E.Ch.A, as part of Semana de la Raza, a weeklong celebration of Chicano issues and “multi-culturalism,” sponsored University of Colorado radical Ward Churchill’s speech. Churchill, although neither a Chicano, a Native American, nor a junior senator from New York, labeled the people who died in the World Trade Center attacks: “little Eichmanns.”

EL PLAN DE SANTA BARBARA: racist blueprint. Purpose of EL PLAN DE SANTA BARBARA: subversion. M.E.Ch.A.’s hate message: constitute inflammatory action, intended to create turmoil and polarization on campus. M.E.Ch.A.’s forte: decry racism as a heinous crime; commit the act––then claim anyone who does it, has a perfect right under the constitution. M.E.Ch.A. exists throughout California’s education system, and at the highest elected levels of state government. Officially, M.E.Ch.A. and EL PLAN DE SANTA BARBARA do not exist. M.E.Ch.A.’s ambition: act as gang capos or lieutenants, during the anticipated Mechista inspired revolution. Mum’s the word. After the 1999 M.E.Ch.A. uprising––a full-blown race war, during which Peter P. Smith’s “highly-respected faculty and staff” outed each other’s thesis, hurled invective at one another through cyberspace, and demanded the resignation of both the president and the provost––Smith announced: “She [Provost Dell Felder] is invited to provide academic leadership, for the development of a new university in the United Arab Emirates.” After weeks of unrest, the Open Forum abdication was a breath of fresh air.

Formerly the 06 Trucial States, between Oman and Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates borders the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. The UAE has a strategic location along the southern approaches to the Strait of Hormuz––a transit point for world crude oil. In 1971, the oil rich Trucial States became the UAE. Given the UAE’s proximity to Asia’s drug producing countries, the UAE is a transshipment point for drug traffickers. The UAE’s position as a major financial center, makes it vulnerable to money laundering. The UAE is one of 03 countries that recognized the Taliban. Half of the 9/11 hijackers came through the UAE. However––Dell Felder, hails from Texas. In 1996, the University of Houston System canned Felder. In Texas academia’s biggest story of the year, Houston System Chancellor William P. Hobby ousted Dell, the System’s second in command. Dell submitted her resignation immediately. Felder vacated her office, and by mid-afternoon Dell’s Jaguar was reported traveling west at a high rate of speed. As Dell streaked across West Texas, New Mexico, and the Mojave Desert, the allegations of alienating management style, attempting to elevate her job above the four university leaders, and failed leadership began to dissipate.

At the Clinton academic Area 51, Dell Felder would replace CSUMB’s charismatic founding provost, Steven F. Arvizu, California’s leading Chicano educator and, undisputed top Mechista. Acquired by an anonymous adversary, Dell’s 1970s thesis argued that Hispanic males possess character defects that make them less than desirable mates. During the faculty food fight of 1999, excerpts from Dell’s critique had been republished. In the heyday of the Women’s Movement, Dell’s essay earned high marks. In the Mexican male dominated climate of ethnic separatism, Dell was toast. William P. Hobby abolished Dell Felder’s position as vice chancellor, much as Peter P. Smith abolished Steve Arvizu’s position as provost––before reinstating the position and installing Dell, provost & vice president. Like Arvizu before her, Felder’s humiliating departure marked the ignominious demise of CSUMB’s second provost in as many years. Once again, the tough-talking Texan was out-of-town before sundown. As Dell’s Jaguar thundered down Intergarrison Road, turned left onto North-South Road, right on Light Fighter Drive and hit the onramp to Highway No.1 North––an obscene hand gesture and a sheaf of papers could be seen to emanate from the driver’s window, as Dell disappeared into the California sunset.

Felix est qui potest causas rerum intellegre:
Happy the one who can learn the cause of things.
-Virgil’s Tribute to Lucretius

APPEARING IN THE NEW YORKER MAGAZINE, noted facial recognition expert, UC San Francisco Psychologist Paul Ekman, says: “I was watching [Bill Clinton’s] facial expressions, and I said to my wife, This is Peck’s Bad Boy … This is a guy who wants to be caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and have us love him for it anyway. Dr. Ekman paused, then reconstructed that particular sequence of expressions on his face … rolled his eyes-and it was as if Slick Willie himself were suddenly in the room. Dr. Ekman felt that Clinton’s expression conveyed, I’m a bad boy. Says Ekman, I don’t think it’s a good thing. Dr. Ekman told a member of Clinton’s communication staff he could teach him how not to do that. The staffer said, Well, we can’t take the risk that he’s known to be seeing an expert on lying [Al Gore: code-named “Al Gore,” was known to be seeing an expert on joke telling]. Ekman rather liked Clinton, and wanted Clinton’s trademark expression to have been no more than a meaningless facial tick. Ekman shrugged, Unfortunately, I guess, he needed to get caught-and he got caught.”

Four years to the day into Dell Felder’s extended hiatus, Bill Clinton told David Letterman on The Late Show: “I just came back from visiting a friend in the Middle East, who presided over the graduation ceremony of a new university.” As it turns out, Dell was an FOB. Clinton went on to say that he was pleased with multiculturalism, but believed that an integrated global economy and multiculturalism, needed a few more years. Bill Clinton was expounding on geopolitics when David Letterman interrupted: “We have to take a commercial,” said Dave, “but you try hard to think of something to say for when we come back.” Clinton shot Letterman a look. When The Late Show resumed, Letterman asked Clinton pointblank about the 07 August 1998, United States Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 224, including 12 Americans, and injuring more than 4,000. Bombs had exploded in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam, hours after Monica Lewinsky testified under immunity to the Grand Jury. Although Al Qaeda had been believed responsible for the blasts––in response to which Clinton ordered cruise missile strikes, but announced the planned strike in a primetime TV address––before Bill Clinton could answer, across his face flashed nothing less than “a meaningless facial tick.”

To be continued.